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Workshop on ‘Research Methodology’

Glimpses of Workshop on “Research Methodology held on 10th March 2022”

Attendance sheet: 10th March 2022

Attendance of workshop “Research methodology”

Report of workshop “Research methodology”

One day Workshop on “Research methodology” was organized by DPG degree college, Gurugram, on 10th March 2022. The program was inaugurated at the hands of Mr. Deepak Gahlot Hon’ble Vice Chairman of DPG degree college, Gurugrum.

Addressing the Inaugural session of the workshop Dr S.S. Boken Principal,Dpg degree college expressed his concern about pre-conceived notions in research and how detrimental it could be to the process of research. Further, he encouraged the participants to engage in reading more books highlighting that mere use of Google for the access of information would not be able to generate new knowledge. In conclusion to his address, he wished the participants a fruitful stay and hoped that they would return with rich knowledge and pleasant memories.

Carrying forward from Principal Sir, Ms Geetanjali, Assisatnt professor of Commerce department insisted on the need to contest preconceived notions to avoid research bias. He further highlighted how the extensive use of Google for knowledge creation leads to a lack of creativity and thus limits the generation of new knowledge.

The Conference convener Dr. Amita Singh, HOD Botany proposed the Vote of Thanks. Further, she encouraged all the scholars by giving them wishes along with the certificates of participation. In this way a one day workshop on research methodology was successfully completed.