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Workshop on Entrepreneurship Skills

Glimpse of workshop on “Entrepreneurship Skill Development”

Report of  Workshop
“Entrepreneurship Skill Development”

Introduction: One day Workshop on “Entrepreneurship Skill Development”was organized by DPG Degree College, Gurugram, in collaboration with GCW, Gurugram on 28th July 2022. The program was inaugurated by Mr. Deepak Gahlot Hon’ble Vice Chairman of DPG Degree College, Gurugram. Dr. S.S. Boken Principal gave motivation with his positive words. Dr. Amita Singh (convenor) welcome and introduce all the guest of the workshop. 

Objective:The objectives of the workshop was to:

 Grooming personality of students to make future’s entrepreneurs.

Description: A Seminar on “Entrepreneurship Skill Development” organized by the DPG DEGREE COLLEGE in collaboration with GCW, Gurugram. The workshop was held on 28th July 2022, in seminar hall.

Workshop contributed to familiarize participants with the emerging ideas and trends on how to develop personality in the 21st century contexts. The program also aimed to teach participants to work with various professionals, people and groups to understand the meaning of life and work in the present context; to enhance their communication skills and interpersonal skills in order to function in professional and social settings effectively; to enrich the academic language skills for academic writing and presentations; to understand effective planning, time management and implementation for setting goals and achieving both personal and professional goals; to learn to evaluate oneself for further growth, personally and professionally.

Participants of workshop were teachers and academic members. The entire session was organized under the guidance of convenor Dr. Amita Singh, with assistance of member of Research & Extension Lecture committee. Many faculties and students took part in workshop. The event consisted of number of sessions in which presentations on various aspects of financial training were given by the experts and the session was followed by a discussion

At the end of workshop, there was a small quiz to check the understanding of the participants, many gave accurate answers. It was a successful event.

End of session: At the end of the session was there was a motivational speech given by Mr. Dinesh Malik and Dr. Nalinee. Event convener Dr. Amita Singh ( HoD Botany) proposed the Vote of Thanks.