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Two Days FDP on “Innovation in Research Methodology”

Brochure of FDP on “Innovation in research methodology”

Attendance of FDP on “Innovation in research methodology”

Minutes of program for FDP on “Innovation in research methodology”

Glimpse of FDP on “Innovation in research methodology” | DR. S.S. BOKEN (Principal) Addressing in FDP

Glimpse of FDP on “Innovation in research methodology” | Lecture and Interaction of Faculty with Dr. D.N Sansanwal (Ret. Head & Dean Academics)

Glimpse of FDP on “Innovation in research methodology” | Lecture and Interaction of Faculty with Dr. Nirupama Singh (Asst. Prof.)

Glimpse of FDP on “Innovation in research methodology” | IBM SkillsBuild Session with Ms. Nitika (Employee at CSRBOX company)

Report of FDP on “Innovation in research methodology”

Two-day Faculty development program on “Innovation in Research Methodology” was organized by DPG degree college, Gurugram, on 22nd -23rd January 2022. The program was inaugurated at the hands of Mr. Deepak Gahlot Hon’ble Vice Chairman of DPG degree college, Gurugrum. Dr.S.S. Boken Principal, DPG was presiding over the inaugural function of the Conference. Dr. Shalini introduced the Chief Guest Dr. D.N. Sansanwal, Retd. Head and Dean of Academics,Devi Ahilya University,Indore. Mr. Deepak Gahlot introduced the theme of the conference Innovation in Research Methodology –while welcoming the guests he emphasized the growth of the college in a very short span of period. The Chief Guest of the conference appreciated the efforts of the Management and the Organizer. He also emphasized the themes of the Conference and said that Innovation in research methods is a step toward good Academic research work.

Principal, DPG Dr. S.S. Boken was presiding the Conference and alsoaddressed the gathering with his rich experience. His speech emphasized research which is an exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Renowned persons from the field of Research were invited for chairing the technical sessions. Dr. D.N. Sansanwal, Retd. Head and Dean Academics, Devi Ahilya University Indore, and Dr.Nirupma Singh, Assistant professor RCCV college Ghaziabad were the Chairpersons and co-chairpersons of the different technical sessions.

More than180 participants attended the sessions.Themain area of discussion on 1st day was characteristics, Types, and steps of research variables, title, and objective writing.

The second day was dedicated to innovative and indigenous academic writing. Ms. Nikita addressed and interact with faculty about the IBM SkillsBuild session.

At the end of the day valedictory session was there, and Dr.Devkankya and Dr. Shalini has given the Valedictory speech. The Conference convener Dr. Surbhi Chaudhary, Dean of Academics proposed the Vote of Thanks.

Feedback of FDP on “Innovation in research methodology”