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Soft Skills and Entrepreneurship

Flyer of workshop on soft skills and entrepreneurship”

Glimpse of workshop on soft skills and entrepreneurship” | *Dr. S.S. Boken (Principal), Mr. Ashok Gogia (Registrar), *Dr. Surbhi Choudhary (Dean Academics), and other faculties attending the workshop.

Attendance sheet – 29th Jan. 2021

Report of Workshop on “Soft skills and entrepreneurship”

One day Workshop on “Soft skills and entrepreneurship” was organized by DPG degree college, Gurugram, on 29th  Jan  2021. The program was inaugurated at the hands of Mr. Deepak Gahlot Hon’ble Vice Chairman of DPG degree college, Gurugrum. Dr.S.S. Boken Principal, DPG was presiding over the inaugural function of the Conference. Dr.Smita Sharma, Spokes person told about the main area of entnreneurship and used presentations on various aspects of skill development were given by the experts and the session was followed by a discussion.

She highlighted thatthe first thing we need to know is what an entrepreneur is. It can be understood as the person who starts a new business or task innovating.

In next session she said within soft skills, adaptability to the environment and a positive attitude to learning are essential. Dr sharma then interacted with students by asking them to think that with the times, it is important to anticipate the market, have an open mind to innovate, forge humility, empathy and confidence for the generation of new ideas

In her last session she said that Great leaders and entrepreneurs know that “soft skills” are the most difficult to acquire, but the most important for their business. Soft skills are those skills, habits, and behaviors that distinguish us as a professional and that make the difference when undertaking a project, solving a conflict and relating to others. Then she also added that Leadership, productivity, team management, sales and communication skills are among the most valued soft skills for an entrepreneur. To give us an idea of the importance of these skills she asked participants that what would have happened if Steve Jobs had not developed his persuasion and leadership skills, or if Warren Buffett could not delegate with responsibility, or the Dalai Lama had not had his charisma to communicate..

At the end of the day valedictory session was there, and Dr. Priyanka and Dr. Geeta has given the Valedictory speech. The Conference convener Dr. Amita Singh, HOD Botany proposed the Vote of Thanks.