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Research Methodology and Data Analysis

Flyer of workshop on “Research methodology and data analysis”

Glimpse of workshop on “Research methodology and data analysis” | *Dr. S.S. Boken (Principal) addressing in workshop.

Attendance sheet – 03rd Sept. 2021

Attendance of workshop on “Research methodology and data analysis”

Report of Workshop on “Research Methodology and Data analysis”

Oneday Workshop on “Research Methodology and Data analysis” was organized by DPG degree college, Gurugram, on 3rd September 2021. The program was inaugurated at the hands of Mr. Deepak Gahlot Hon’ble Vice Chairman of DPG degree college, Gurugrum. Dr. S.S. Boken Principal, DPG was presiding over the inaugural function of the Conference.

Dr. Amita Singh convenor, Research committee told about the main area of discussion on was characteristics, Types, and steps of research variables, title, and objective writing. The main aim was to focus on Methodology in research is defined as the systematic method to resolve a research problem through data gathering using various techniques, providing an interpretation of data gathered and drawing conclusions about the research data.

In this workshop essentially the focus was on research methodology as a blueprint of a research or study. The workshop consisted of number of sessions in which presentations on various aspects of Data Analysis were given by the experts and the session was followed by a discussion.

This worshop helped all participants to build capacity to build more accurate attitudinal and behavioural models that present complicated interactions than typical multivariate statistical approaches.

In this workshop, covariance and variance based SEM was explained by providing hands on to the participants. Participants by going through this course got and access to in-depth insights pertaining to SEM which aided in advancement of research and ideas.

A landmark event hosted with meticulousplanning, executed with precision finesse, full of research insights, techniques and skills. Hailed by one and all as the most wonderful experience ever.

At the end of the day valedictory session was there, and Dr. Priya and Dr. Reena has given the Valedictory speech. The Conference convener Dr. Amita Singh, HOD Botany proposed the Vote of Thanks.