DPG Degree college is a co-educational institution providing equal opportunities to all. Men and women work together in a congenial atmosphere, however if there are any complaints involving physical contacts or advances, demand for sexual favours any unwelcome physical, verbal or nonverbal expressions of a sexual nature; it is addressed and appropriate action is taken.
DPG Degree college advocates the empowerment of women & has zero tolerance for sexual harassment. For this college constituted an Internal complaint Committee in the year2019. as per UGC Regulation on Sexual Harassment of women at workplace (Prevention ,Harassment & Redressal)Act 2013 to prevent Sexual Harassment . This proactive action on the part of our college clearly evidences the seriousness with which the management of the college &ICC views complaints of sexual misconduct of any nature. ICC looks swiftly& diligently into the matters related to sexual harassment. Complaint boxes have been placed at college premise for reporting of grievances. We have also displaced details of the members of the committee on Our College notice board.
ICC aims at sensitizing the students and staff to work diligently to prevent sexual harassment in the college. Complaints of sexual harassment shall be lodged with the Committee and appropriate disciplinary action is initiated by the members in accordance to the rules and regulations of the college.
DPG Degree College has committed itself to provide a congenial and conducive atmosphere in which students, teachers and non-teaching staff and supporting staff can work together in an environment free of violence, harassment, exploitation, and intimidation. This includes all forms of gender violence, sexual harassment, and discrimination on the basis of gender. Every member is expected to be aware of the commitment to the right to freedom of expression and association; it strongly supports gender equality and opposes any form of gender discrimination and violence.
At College level, all complaints of this nature are to be routed through the Internal Complaints Committee, to be comprised of:
Note: One half of the total Members nominated should be women. [Sec.4 (2) (c)].
The College Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) constituted will carry out its responsibilities as contained in Chapters (IV) and (V) of the Act 2013 .
Functions of ICC :
Procedure for filing a complaint and conducting the enquiry
There is a linear complaint mechanism through which the complaints get filed and the ICC performs its functions, thereby required actions are taken.
The committee at college shall have the jurisdiction to entertain the complaints of Sexual Harassment on the campus. .
Procedure to login complaint
The complaint may be made by any stakeholders against anyone from the institution in writing before the committee. The complaint shall contain the facts and specific allegations supported by evidence. The complaint is made to the Presiding officer of the Committee.
Note: A legal heir or a person prescribed can make a complaint on behalf of the victim, if the aggrieved is unable to do so on account of physical, mental capacity or death.
Inquiry & Redressal Process
After receiving the complaint, the meeting of the committee shall be convened by the presiding officer at the earliest. The complaint shall be placed before the committee. After considering the complaint, the committee shall follow the procedure as considered just and appropriate to meet the ends of justice. The burden of proving the allegation shall lie on the complainant(s).
During the procedure of the inquiry, the ICC may recommend the employer /Management to provide some interim relief to the victim as per her request only. The committee can ask the employer/Management to transfer her to some other workplace, or grant her leave for not more than 3 months, or to restrain the respondent from reporting on the performance of the complainant.
Note : No decision shall be taken by the committee against anyone without giving the opportunity of hearing
The committee shall decide the complaints at the earliest and recommend the punishment /action to the chairperson of the committee. The punishment/action shall be commensurate with the nature or gravity of incidents.
A. In case of employees: disciplinary action may be in the form of:
B. In case of students: disciplinary action may be in the form of:
Any person / member dissatisfied / aggrieved by the decision of the committee may make an appeal to the Vice Chancellor (Maharishi Dayanand university,Rohtak) within 15 days from the date of notification or communication of decision to him. The Vice-Chancellor may give opportunity to the concerned persons/ members and decide the matter accordingly. The decision of Vice-Chancellor shall be final.
The Higher authorities of the institution shall have the supervisory and administrative control over the committee at college level.
If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provision of these rules the Presiding officer/chairperson may remove the difficulties.
Once in every 6 month and whenever needed on any requirement.
Links for more details