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Grievance & Redressal Cell

Grievances and Redressal Cell is committed with the authority to resolve any type of grievances raised by the students, teachers and non-teaching staff of the college. The students are ought to lodge their grievances to their respective class-in charge, and they report the matter to the committee for further necessary action. Students are not encouraged to appeal the principal, initially. They have to avail the process conveyed by the grievance redressal cell and then to the principal, if the grievances are not redressed. G&R Cell has further three cell coordinated and operated under the G&R Cell.


  • A complaint or a strong feeling that have been treated unfairly.


  • To ensure a democratic environment in the campus.
  • To acquaint all the students about their rights and duties.
  • To solve the various personal and academic related grievances of the students.
  • To create the institutional and student friendly environment.
  • To ensure the qualitative as well as quantitative development of the institution through the grievances and redressal cell.


Selected Members from the institutions will constitute this Cell under chairmanship of Principal. Dean Academics is the in charge in this cell.

  1. Grievances and Redressal cell ensures relationship based on trust between students and institutions. In case of any situation that may adversely affect this respectful and cordial relationship administration will take necessary steps and keep a watch on it.
  2. Any grievances received in manner specified by the G&R Cell from the stakeholders will be treated sympathetic and full consideration. Also the parents or guardian will be informed by the committee through telephonic/post/letter/mail.
  3. G&R Cell will treat these issues fairly and in transparent manner. The member will be actively engaged in the redressal process.
  4. Students can approach to authorities of college before approaching directly to G&R Cell in case of any issue relating arbitrary action or personal grudges.
  5. G&R Cell follows the principal of natural justice in the proceeding to ensure the appropriate dealing with grievances.
  6. G&R Cell will hold the meeting quarterly for the continuous improvement and for smooth functioning.
  7. G&R Cell will maintain the proper documentation of proceedings and compliances.
  8. Grievance redressal cell (GRC) shall consider only individual grievances of specific nature of students and staff.
  9. The GRC shall not consider any grievance of general applicability or of collective nature of raised collectively by more than one employee/student.
  10. Post receipt of the complaint/application the committee will decide on the merit of case regarding scope of further discussion investigation and act promptly.
  11. The GRC may mediate between complainant and defendant against who the complaint has been made, it required.
  12. GRC shall consider redressing of grievances within a reasonable time.

Procedure of Lodging Complaint:
The College is sensitive towards its stakeholders and applies sufficient efforts to ensure their satisfaction. The GR Cell overview the status of problems and co-ordinates all the activities in consultation with higher authorities.

Grievances redressal mechanism accept the grievances in prescribed ways:

  • Students can get their grievances by filling grievances and redressal form available on College Website: https://dpgdegreecollege.edugrievance.com/
  • Students can approach to their Mentor in case of any grievances
  • In order to give opportunity to students to express their problems & to communicate the same to the concern authorities of the College, suggestion boxes are placed in every wing of the college to facilitate student, teachers & employees to drop their suggestions/grievances in the prescribed format. Students are free to personally approach to the higher authorities for the Redressal of their problem.
  • The GR Cell collects all the complaints on every Friday from the suggestion boxes, Departmental GR Cell, IQAC, Guardian Tutor Meet, classified them according to their nature & properly recorded them according to their nature.
  • And further remedial actions and suggestions were taken by the members including Principal, judiciously & notified the same on the notice board also.
  • There is freedom to students that can inform about his/her grievances to the Cell in any other way considered appropriate by the institution.

Link for online grievance at college website:


Links for more details: