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IPR – Cognizance Scientific, Technical Development and Entrepreneurship (Cstde-2022)

(Affiliated to MDU Rohtak)
Sector-34, Near Marble Market, Gurugram

Report of FDP

IPR-Cognizance Scientific, Technical Development And Entrepreneurship (CSTDE-2022)

Introduction: Two days FDP on “Cognizance Scientific, Technical Development And Entrepreneurship (Cstde-2022)” was organized by DPG Degree College, Gurugram and RCCV College, Ghaziabad, on 25th and 26th  February 2022. The program was started by Mr. Deepak Gahlot Hon’ble Vice Chairman of DPG Degree College, Gurugram. The Respected principal of DPG Degree College, Gurugram College, extended his warm welcome and introduced the college to the resource person. The program was followed by the with welcome of dignitaries by Dr. Amita Singh, with a brief introduction of the event by the Organizing coordinator

Objective: The main aim was to impart knowledge on IPR with purpose of development of faculties knowledge.

Proceedings:The entire two days session was organized under the guidance of convenor of both the colleges with the assistance of member of  Research& Extension Lecture committee. A detailed insights were present by the prominent speakers in FDP. The event consisted of number of sessions in which presentations on various aspects of IPR were given by the experts and the session was followed by a discussion.

The session was end with a small quiz to check the understanding of the participant, many gave accurate answers. It was a successful event.

Valedictory session: At the end of the session was there was a Valedictory speech given by Dr. Priya and Dr. Reena. Event convener Dr. Amita Singh ( HOD Botany) proposed the Vote of Thanks.


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