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Awareness Program on IPRs

(Affiliated to MDU Rohtak)
Sector-34, Near Marble Market, Gurugram

Report Of Workshop
“Awareness Program on IPRs”

Introduction: One day Workshop on “Awareness Program on IPRs” was organized by DPG Degree College, Gurugram, on 15th June 2021. The program was inaugurated by Mr. Deepak Gahlot Hon’ble Vice Chairman of DPG Degree College, Gurugram. The Respected principal of DPG Degree College, Gurugram College, extended his warm welcome and introduced the college to the resource person. The program was followed by the with welcome of dignitaries by Dr. Amita Singh, with a brief introduction of the event by the Organizing coordinator

Objective: To make participants aware about the Intellectual Property Rights.
The objectives of the workshop were to: 1. Generate awareness among the participants about the various aspects of IPR. 2. Sensitize the participants about the role of IPR in innovation and invention.

Proceedings: The workshop was held on 15th June 2021, Tuesday, in seminar hall. Workshop was conducted in collaboration with Atal Incubation Centre. The entire session was organized under the guidance of convenor Dr. Amita with assistance of member of Research & Extension Lecture committee. Many faculties and students took part in workshop. The event consisted of number of sessions in which presentations on various aspects of IPR were given by the experts and the session was followed by a discussion.

The participants included teachers and academic members. The workshop included sessions by experts “Copyrights and Related Rights”, which was very interactive. Speaker touched upon the various aspects of Copyrights and Related Rights, their duration, fair use etc. Also speaker mentioned about what is patentable subject, duration, infringement etc. This session was also very interactive with the participants asking questions about patents.

Valedictory session: At the end of the session was there was a Valedictory speech given by Dr. Priya and Dr. Reena. Event convener Dr. Amita Singh ( HoD Botany) proposed the Vote of Thanks.


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