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Office Bearers

Powers, functions& duties of the office- bearers:

1 President/Chairman:

  • To preside over all the meeting of the general body and of the governing body and regulate the proceedings of such meetings.
  • To do all such acts. Deeds and things as may be authorized by the general body and or the governing body from time to time.
  • To allow or disallow discussion on any matter which is not included in the agenda.
  • To ensure strict compliance of the society governing body.
  • To ensure strict compliance of the provisions of the Haryana there under.
  • To supervise and guide the overall actives achievement of aims & objectives of the society.

2 General Secretary:

  • To conduct. Organize supervise and manage all the affairs of the society and do all such acts and perform all such duties for the working of the society as may be assigned by the president governing body.
  • To receive. Securitize and place applications for membership of the society before the governing body and to enter the name of the members it approved in the register of members under his initials and to intimate the members about the same and issue identity cards to the members so admitted.
  • To convene meetings of the general body governing body with the consent of the president and serve proper notices as prescribed under these bye- laws
  • To attend all the meetings of the general body and the governing body and assist the president in conducting the meeting and record proceedings of the meetings.
  • To prepare annual report of the society and place it before the governing body along with audited annual accounts of the society for approval to place the same before the general body in the annual general meeting
  • To keep and preserve the records of the society governing body.
  • To help and assist the president in looking after the complete affairs of the society and in attaining aims& objects of the society.
  • To ensure timely filing of all statutory returns / documents in the office of under the Haryana registration and registration of societies Act, 2012 and the rules made there under:
  • To be the custodian for safe custody of common seals of the society and affix the same wherever required as per the authorization of the governing body.
  • To conduct correspondence on behalf of the society governing body and to sign letters and papers on its behalf to ensure that all statutory registers and records are properly kept and maintained.
  • To prepare before announcing of the date of election and the annual general meeting the list of all the members eligible to vote, duly updated and to place it place it before the governing body.
  • The responsibility for convening the meetings of a society will be vest in the General Secretary of the society who will also be the custodian of all records documents title deeds etc. of the society unless otherwise provided in the byelaws. The General Secretary will be responsible for implementing the decisions of the governing body and act as the compliance officer of the society for various types of statutory compliances under the act.
  • Act as the overall in- charge of the administration and execution of all the programs of the society including financial affairs on behalf of the governing body including creation of posts. Fixation of salaries remuneration allowances etc. make appointments engagement of staff make purchases and do all other such things as may be necessary in the furtherance of the aims & objects of the society in accordance with the delegations by the governing body from time to time and where on such delegation is specifically made in consultation with the president of the society.

3 Treasurer

  • To keep accounts of all financial transactions of the society and of all the sums of money received and spent by the society and maintain records of receipts and expenses relating to such matters and of assets credits and liabilities.
  • To get the accounts of the society audited by the chartered accountant appointed by the governing body at the close of the financially year every year.
  • To submit to the governing body through General secretary the audited annual accounts of the society at least one month prior to the date of annual general meeting.
  • To act as the overall custodian of all the books of accounts statutory records and cheque books of all bank accounts FD Rs. Etc of the society financial statements receipt books expense vouchers bank pass books & cheque books cash etc.
  • Exclusions from the employment of a society
  • No member of the society shall be in full time or part time employment of the society
  • No dependant or family member or close relative of the office bearers and members of the governing body shall be engaged as an employment of the society during its term.
  • Every office bearer and member of the governing body shall make a declaration in cash any person in the employment of the society is his close relative.

Management of assets and funds of the society
The sources of income of the society will include receipts on accounts of membership fee annual subscription rent from property assets interest consultation fees. Donations gifts grants etc the society can also raise funds through interest free short term loan from its members or from scheduled bank’s on interest loan from the scheduled bank on interest will be taken only for purchase of creation of capital assets and not for meeting any recurring revenues expenditure under any circumstances.

The governing body will prepare and an annual budget of the society on the basis of its estimated income and the capital & revenue expenditure during the first quarter of the financial year and shall also place a copy thereof before the general body in its annual general meeting for formation.

All assets and funds will belong to the society and vest in the society. all receipts and payments of the society shall be made through bank Instruments (i.e./Pay Order/cheques/bank transfers/ RTGS) including all receipts towards the membership fees and the annual subscriptions from the members however the governing body may determine the limits of financial transactions which may then be conducted in certain other cases.

Accounts of the society
The treasurer of the society will be responsible proper books of accounts i.e. cash book ledger etc as required under the income tax laws and or any other authority including the institute of chartered accountants of India at its registered office with respect to all sums of money received expended by the and the assets and liabilities of the society.

The books of accounts of the society shall be open to inspection during the business hours by the registrar general registrar district registrar of any officer authorized by them and by any members of the society.

The annual accounts of the society will be signed by any two authorized office bearers of the society. The governing body will appoint a chartered accountant who shall not be a member of the governing body of family member of any member of the governing body for auditing the accounts and filing of income tax return of the society for each financial year at such remuneration as may be determined by the governing body.

Investments of Funds

  • The society shall invest or deposit any portion of its funds not immediately required in immoveable properties or
  • In securities of the Government or in National savings certificate or other securities of the government of India.
  • In the post office saving / Banks Accounts. or
  • In a special account opened by the society for the purpose in a
  • scheduled bank as authorized or notified by the Reserve bank of India or
  • Co-Operative Bank situated in the State or in such other mode of investment as may be prescribed.
  • Sources of Income.
  • Membership fee.
  • Annual subscription.
  • Donations
  • Rent from property assets
  • Interest
  • Gifts, etc
  • Application of funds;
  • The Society has the powers to spend such sums out of its funds, as it thinks fit for the purposes.
  • No payment shall be made out of the funds to the president, Vice president, General Secretary, Treasurer or any other office bearer by way of honorarium or remuneration.
  • Notwithstanding the restrictions prescribed above a society may pay such remuneration salary or honorarium to the persons in its full time or part time employment as it may determine
  • Provided that no member shall be in the employment of the society.

Operation of Bank Accounts;
An account having cheque facility will be opened in any scheduled bank /post office or any other private financial institution in the name of the society. Bank Accounts shall be operated by joint signatures of President/ General Secretary/ Treasurer(Any single person of these head shall be entiteled to sign the cheques.

Provisions relating to Audit of the society’s accounts
The bye laws of a society should provide for audit of annual accounts of the society from an auditor who is a member of the institute of Chartered Accountants of India and such auditor should not be a member of the governing body of the society.

Amendments in the Memorandum, Bye-Laws, Name of the Society, etc.

Any amendment in the memorandum of Association and bye laws or change of name amalgamation or division of the society will be done only with the approved of the general body by way of a special resolution .The intimation of any such amendment or change along with attested copy of the requisite documents shall be filed in the office of the District Registrar by the General secretary within such time as may be prescribed under the Haryana Registration Regulation of Societies Act 2012 and the rules made there under.

Common Seal;
The Society will have a common seal which shall be kept in safe custody of the General Secretary and shall be affixed wherever it is required in accordance with the authorization by the governing body