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A One Day Workshop on “Planning and Framing of Research Proposal & Research Papers”

Report of One Day Workshop on
“Planning and Framing of Research Proposal & Research Papers”

Department of Commerce in association with IQAC and Research cell has successfully organized a One Day Workshop on “Planning and Framing of Research Proposal & Research Papers” on 6th August 2022 via Google Meet.

More than 118 participants from 7 states have registered and participated for the workshop. Our students showed great interest and we saw a number of Research scholars, Assistant professor, Associate Professor from different states of our country participating with zeal in both sessions of Workshop.

The workshop witnessed the gracious presence of our highly regarded dignities Shri Deepak Gehlot, Registrar Shri Ashok Gogia, Principal Dr S S Boken and started with a welcoming speech by Dr Priyanka Kumari (HOD, Department of Commerce), where she discussed that this workshop will provide a robust platform for expression of interest and cognitive thought and promote research among all the active participants in the conference.

Then, Ms Bhawna Joon, Assistant Professor of Commerce department invited respected Vice Chairman sir to express his thoughts regarding the Workshop. The Key note Speaker –Dr Divya was honorably welcomed by highly regarded honorable Vice chairman Sir. He also encouraged all the participants with his words of wisdom.

Then, Punita Gautam student of M.com invited Registrar Sir and Principal Sir, where Shri Ashok Gogia sir introduced all the participants with the keynote speaker of the event-Dr Divya, Assistant Professor , Department of Management Studies at Central University of Haryana .She is having around ten years of teaching experience. She has completed her Doctorate from Delhi technological University and her area of expertise is Human recourse management and Marketing.

Dr Divya, conducted first session by presenting a PowerPoint presentation and introduced our participants to the latest software’s and trends in writing Research Paper. She introduced our participants to the UGC approved journal and also guided them to access Journal of Econometrics. Her focus was more on quality of research and not on quantity.

Applying knowledge practically has always been the prime vision at DPG Degree College and the Second Session of Workshop was devoted primarily to the same. She focused on how to write a Research Proposal and guided how to apply for the agencies for research proposal and explained the process of application.

Participants also learn about the common mistakes while publishing a Research paper through the real life experience shared by our Key note speaker.

After the presentation there was an interactive Question and Answer session where participants cleared their doubts and enhanced their learning.

Both sessions of Workshop proved to be a great success. At last, the workshop was concluded by a vote of thanks by Dr Devkanya Gupta, Assistant Professor of Department of Commerce.  Our participants felt privileged to be the generous audience of such expert talk on Research Papers and also provided very positive feedback to conduct such kind of workshops in future also.